It ends up resolving itself most painfully when Oreitheia is killed in battle. Love Triangle: Antiope ends up falling for Theseus while also getting into a relationship with Oreitheia.

King Incognito: Theseus is the king of the Greeks, but passes himself as a low-ranking captain during the Amazons' first encounter with the Greeks.Interplay of Sex and Violence: Antiope and Oreitheia have a fight after the latter attempts to kill the former, which ends with them making out, and it's implied they then have sex.Antiope, in turn, decides to fight Oreitheia nude too after catching her, before they end up sleeping together. Oreitheia is also in the nude when she goes to kill Antiope.The final fight in the contests to elect the Amazons' next queen in done the nude, which serves as a great source of Fanservice.Fanservice: Pretty much every Amazon is gorgeous, and they sure do a lot of activities while in several states of undress (competing in tornaments, commiting assassination attempts.).Due to the Dead: After Oreitheia is killed in battle, Antiope recognizes her desire to become queen, and places the ring symbolizing her status as queen on her finger.Death of the Hypotenuse: The love triangle Antiope has with Theseus and Oreitheia ends up resolved when Oreitheia is killed in battle.